What you get

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I become more Ninja?" We'll I am here to answer that question with my own awesomeness. Oh and if you like Ninjas, the zombie apocolypse, fitness and fun stuff like that, you will be right at home here! Disclaimer: The Ninja is my alter eo and I cannot be held responsible for anything he does or says.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Female Ninja

False advertising

Decapitation by Kunoichi
I think we need to set the record straight about female ninja or Kunoichi i.e. woman who practices ninjitsu.  If you were to type that into the google machine and click images you would get some scantly clad hookers with swords in provocative positions.  This is just not accurate at all.  Female ninja/Kunoichi dress in appearance to male ninja (ninja have been equal opportunity for centuries, eat that affirmative action).  Sorry to all you anime jackoffs but they don't walk around in bikinis with their boobs all hanging out.  They are killing machines of death and they aren't to be F'd with.  In fact most men will have no shot with a Kunoichi at all.  If you do happen to find yourself with a Kunoichi DO NOT use a pick up line.  Your head will be separated from your shoulders and your soul will exit out of your neck along with gallons of arterial spray.  So don't be an idiot.  Your not going to impress your friends by hitting on her unless your idea of impressing some one is having your head chopped off and super soaking all the walls with your blood.  But, what am I talking about?
Accurate representation of a Kunoichi
You won't ever see a ninja male or female anyway unless you are a ninja.  I think this is just a simple case of false advertising getting the best of people.  That and some companies think if you tack the word 'ninja' in front of something it makes it better... Okay so the ninja blender is pretty rocking.  But other things just are crap.  Like anything labeled 'ninja sword' is probably a piece of shit metal, hammered into what some one thought was a cool design and sold on amazon.  Another is the 'ninja grappling hook', dude I haven't used a grappling hook since 1993.  I own walls fences and skyscrapers with my ninja awesomeness I don't need a shitty grappling hook to get over one of those things.  So, long story short you won't see a Kunoichi, if you do she will decapitate you and if by some miracle she doesn't you basically got to second base in ninja terms.  Lastly like your mother always told you don't date killing machines of death, so that means no ninja.
Awesome blender!

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