What you get

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I become more Ninja?" We'll I am here to answer that question with my own awesomeness. Oh and if you like Ninjas, the zombie apocolypse, fitness and fun stuff like that, you will be right at home here! Disclaimer: The Ninja is my alter eo and I cannot be held responsible for anything he does or says.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Your Zombie Responsibility

Click on picture and enjoy :-)
I was chatting in the office about zombies as I often do and in a discussion it was mentioned by a college of mine that he didn't want to be a zombie that was bed ridden or something of that nature.  Which brings me to my main point.  We need to remember to be responsible zombies.  Heaven forbid one day you are bitten by one of the legion of undead and are infected.  You have the responsibility to be the best damn zombie you can be.  We don't need a bunch of tubby zombies waddling around trying to bite people.  We need fast healthy zombies to chase down and take out the 'unworthy' and eat their brains.  So on that note get to the gym now.  If for no other reason you will help out the human race in your undeath by eating all those that don't have enough brains to out smart or physical strength to redead you.  By getting into the gym you are helping everyone out even yourself.  I don't think zombies really care about the sanctity of life.  But I guarantee if you are the last zombie killed on planet earth that will be in a history book somewhere in the new world and that is something isn't it?  Another thing to is brush your damn teeth.  If your going to be a walking corpse that wants to chew on living flesh your going to need a working grill.  I have yet to ever hear about some one being gummed to death by a zombie. 
So keep those incisors and bicuspids in good working order.  Because without teeth all a zombie really is a two legged target.  Sure you could rip into some one's flesh with your finger nails but frankly not as scary as some zombie biting into you with its teeth.  I am not saying you need to use that whiten tooth past or anything like that but try to flaws every so often and brush your teeth twice a day.  I hope I have cleared some things up for everyone and that you too will take up a healthier lifestyle so that if you are done in by the walking dead you will do them proud.

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