What you get

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I become more Ninja?" We'll I am here to answer that question with my own awesomeness. Oh and if you like Ninjas, the zombie apocolypse, fitness and fun stuff like that, you will be right at home here! Disclaimer: The Ninja is my alter eo and I cannot be held responsible for anything he does or says.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Delicate Sensibilities Ninja

Funny and apparently offensive
Most days I ask myself the same question "What the fuck is wrong with people?"  I mean really if you get offended by every damn thing all day long how do you ever accomplish anything?  Say someone makes a joke. And you turn into "Polly Pissy Pants" about it (see t-shirt for gist of said joke).  Its not the question about what is wrong with that person for telling the joke.  More so it is the question of how did you get this far in life with such thin skin?  Also trying to flee to the moral high ground on a joke being in bad taste is a cop out.  Come with a reason why and not because you feel like it was. 
Feelings are temporary, some days I feel like stabbing someone in the eye with a jagged piece of rusted metal and some days I feel like rainbows and butterflies.  Feel your way out of this situation and come up with a valid argument.  Oh and please don't just go straight to "your an idiot"  name calling is always the last defense of the weak minded (Somebody smart once said that and I can't remember who it was).  If you aren't quick to be able to come up with some valid arguments all hope isn't lost.  Just tell them your still formulating your thoughts.  I mean fuck, no body expects you to be an amazing debater.  But when you open your mouth please try to make it more than shit spilling into the sewer. 
If everything in life offends you.  Your offended about how your treated.  How others view you.  How some people think we evolved from apes.  How every time Tebow does something kind of good he Tebows.  How fat people have to pay for 2 seats on an airplane.  You probably dress like a snob or look dirty.  You probably never smile and people think you are just depressed all the time.  You probably are intolerant of others ideas and have no respect or understanding for what they think.  You probably think Tebow isn't a quarterback and that he takes his religion to far.  Your probably fat and had to pay for that extra seat and you smell like Cheetos.
If you think everyone around you has a problem.  Guess what?  They do and you are their problem.  Maybe you have daddy and mommy issues.  Maybe you were picked on in middle school.  Maybe you never once had any self confidence instilled in you.  This is not my fucking problem.  It is yours and you have the ability to fix it.  If you want to.

I have noticed that some people like playing the victim.  They would like to blame some outside force for why they are a certain way.  A wise man once said "It's not what happens to you that determines your life; it is how you handle what happens to you. "~Zig Ziglar. People have to let themselves become victims.  Which leads me back to my starting point.  If you get easily offended what you are basically saying is "I feel like I am being attacked and I am a victim of your insensitivity".  Know this ass clown I am neither attacking you nor victimizing you.  You are making it feel that way.  Stop making yourself a victim no one will pay more attention to you, or less, if you do this.
Vin = Self Confidence... You have to with goggles like that.

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