What you get

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I become more Ninja?" We'll I am here to answer that question with my own awesomeness. Oh and if you like Ninjas, the zombie apocolypse, fitness and fun stuff like that, you will be right at home here! Disclaimer: The Ninja is my alter eo and I cannot be held responsible for anything he does or says.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Meth makes Zombies

First I would like to show you exhibit A.
This is exhibit A
I think we can all see what is happening here.  Meth has turned this person into a zombie.  Finally we have figured out what can create a zombie and it isn't anything metaphysical or bio engineered.  In fact it has been in front of us the whole time creeping through our society.  Look at those wacked out crazy eyes, the unbrushed teeth, the sores of infected blight.  All the signals point to zombie.  So sad I didn't find out sooner that methamphetamines caused people to turn into zombies.  I am sure there are a few of you out there thinking.  No, that person is merely addicted to a drug and they need help.  I am sure they need help and I have the cure... Machetes and lots of them.  I am sure if you threw a large chunk of meat in front of Exhibit A he would devour it like a fat kid would a hostess cup cake (yeah insulin spike).  I just didn't realize we already had zombies walking among us and thought I would bring this to light for everyone.  So next time you see a half dead creature running around a trailer park or other disreputable location, its a meth-zombie.  Don't stop to see how they are doing.
He isn't dead he is a fucking zombie and they are getting out before he wakes up and eats them.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Your Zombie Responsibility

Click on picture and enjoy :-)
I was chatting in the office about zombies as I often do and in a discussion it was mentioned by a college of mine that he didn't want to be a zombie that was bed ridden or something of that nature.  Which brings me to my main point.  We need to remember to be responsible zombies.  Heaven forbid one day you are bitten by one of the legion of undead and are infected.  You have the responsibility to be the best damn zombie you can be.  We don't need a bunch of tubby zombies waddling around trying to bite people.  We need fast healthy zombies to chase down and take out the 'unworthy' and eat their brains.  So on that note get to the gym now.  If for no other reason you will help out the human race in your undeath by eating all those that don't have enough brains to out smart or physical strength to redead you.  By getting into the gym you are helping everyone out even yourself.  I don't think zombies really care about the sanctity of life.  But I guarantee if you are the last zombie killed on planet earth that will be in a history book somewhere in the new world and that is something isn't it?  Another thing to is brush your damn teeth.  If your going to be a walking corpse that wants to chew on living flesh your going to need a working grill.  I have yet to ever hear about some one being gummed to death by a zombie. 
So keep those incisors and bicuspids in good working order.  Because without teeth all a zombie really is a two legged target.  Sure you could rip into some one's flesh with your finger nails but frankly not as scary as some zombie biting into you with its teeth.  I am not saying you need to use that whiten tooth past or anything like that but try to flaws every so often and brush your teeth twice a day.  I hope I have cleared some things up for everyone and that you too will take up a healthier lifestyle so that if you are done in by the walking dead you will do them proud.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things that make a Ninja say "Whooh"

When you step back and take a look at life what really makes a ninja cock his/her head to one side and go "WTF mate!"  I mean after a day of decapitation and dismemberment what could possibly shock a ninja?  Well, whether it be shocking or humorous I have created a list of a few things.
Man, legos sure have changed since I was a kid
This is so made up, the arterial bleeding is no where near this bad
LOL, at what point do you think this guy figured out it was a bad idea?
If I ever find this person I will sever his head from his shoulders and place this on my mantel
So, not a good parent when you are taking a picture of your kid being eating by a fucking carnivorous camel
His shoe fell of no biggy, I mean other than his foot still being in it
Holy Fuck! Alligator has ups yo
Anytime I can add a picture that has dinosaurs with lasers is win.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Delicate Sensibilities Ninja

Funny and apparently offensive
Most days I ask myself the same question "What the fuck is wrong with people?"  I mean really if you get offended by every damn thing all day long how do you ever accomplish anything?  Say someone makes a joke. And you turn into "Polly Pissy Pants" about it (see t-shirt for gist of said joke).  Its not the question about what is wrong with that person for telling the joke.  More so it is the question of how did you get this far in life with such thin skin?  Also trying to flee to the moral high ground on a joke being in bad taste is a cop out.  Come with a reason why and not because you feel like it was. 
Feelings are temporary, some days I feel like stabbing someone in the eye with a jagged piece of rusted metal and some days I feel like rainbows and butterflies.  Feel your way out of this situation and come up with a valid argument.  Oh and please don't just go straight to "your an idiot"  name calling is always the last defense of the weak minded (Somebody smart once said that and I can't remember who it was).  If you aren't quick to be able to come up with some valid arguments all hope isn't lost.  Just tell them your still formulating your thoughts.  I mean fuck, no body expects you to be an amazing debater.  But when you open your mouth please try to make it more than shit spilling into the sewer. 
If everything in life offends you.  Your offended about how your treated.  How others view you.  How some people think we evolved from apes.  How every time Tebow does something kind of good he Tebows.  How fat people have to pay for 2 seats on an airplane.  You probably dress like a snob or look dirty.  You probably never smile and people think you are just depressed all the time.  You probably are intolerant of others ideas and have no respect or understanding for what they think.  You probably think Tebow isn't a quarterback and that he takes his religion to far.  Your probably fat and had to pay for that extra seat and you smell like Cheetos.
If you think everyone around you has a problem.  Guess what?  They do and you are their problem.  Maybe you have daddy and mommy issues.  Maybe you were picked on in middle school.  Maybe you never once had any self confidence instilled in you.  This is not my fucking problem.  It is yours and you have the ability to fix it.  If you want to.

I have noticed that some people like playing the victim.  They would like to blame some outside force for why they are a certain way.  A wise man once said "It's not what happens to you that determines your life; it is how you handle what happens to you. "~Zig Ziglar. People have to let themselves become victims.  Which leads me back to my starting point.  If you get easily offended what you are basically saying is "I feel like I am being attacked and I am a victim of your insensitivity".  Know this ass clown I am neither attacking you nor victimizing you.  You are making it feel that way.  Stop making yourself a victim no one will pay more attention to you, or less, if you do this.
Vin = Self Confidence... You have to with goggles like that.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Don't judge a ninja by his cover

New age of hair metal!
So it has been sometime since I last had my mind vomit words into a blog like format and place it online for the plebeians of the world to enjoy and share.  Well that wonderful time has come to an end because here it is folks in all its ear bleeding glory.  If I were to wear some normal non-ninja cloths around this wonderful town you probably wouldn't give me a second look.  Which come to think of it sounds like a great way to sneak up on my prey and chop his/her head off (I say his/her because frankly with all the emo kids I am hired to kill I can rarely tell the difference anymore).  Also, if anyone comments on my horrific grammar, you are the next to die and yes I know where your domicile is.  To get back on topic if you saw me walking down the street the only thing that might make you take a second look is possibly one of two things.  My incredible good looks (like a chiseled geek god bitches!) or the my ninjato in which I take everywhere.  Needless to say you probably wouldn't judge me all that much, unless you hate my Steel Panther shirt and for that I say "They are hilarious stop taking it seriously.... swear words, swear words el fin".
Bad life decision
Correct use of needles and tubing
She is going to need a tetanus shot
Continuing on, I admit I judge people the instant my eye holes perceive that there is a person in front of me.  Is this right or anything like that, I am not sure.  I do think many people do this.  We judge people by the way they look and perhaps we should more so judge people by the way they act.  Do they open doors for people, do they help old ladies across the street, do they attempt to decapitate some one for merely brushing their red velvet jack in the wrong direction (he'll never make that mistake again).  Actions far out way a person's appearance.  Just because some one has a tattoo does instantly make them a member of the Hell's Angels biking association. Although if they have a barbwire tattoo I will assume that you have a GED and that when you received that tattoo you were under the affects of several intravenous drugs.  Sorry but, nothing says take me back to my trailer like a barbwire tattoo.  Least we forget that intravenous drugs are nasty sticking a needle into yourself for pleasure sounds like the most sadistic shit ever.  If your not sticking that needle into yourself to pump some life saving fluids into your deflating carcase WTF mate!!1!  But I digress, I frankly think when we start judging people we are indirectly forcing our values, standards and morals onto a person.  I am pretty sure this is a bad thing but the jury is still out in my brain.  I really don't care if some one is straight, gay or likes to have sex with aliens.  As long as they aren't trying to probe me with their skin katana (ie penis for those playing the home game) or some other alien anal probing device I don't give a shit.  Live the life you feel suits you best. Now am I saying if your life is one that mercilessly oppresses everyone around you that is okay... No. You are going to have to make some lifestyle changes bub. 
They look pretty oppressed to me... but they
save so much money on makeup.
My point is live your life and don't try to convert everyone around you to your moral standards.  If it is better than people will see that and emulate you.  I am not here to be converted to whatever it is you think is right (I'm talking to any of the religions that want to come to my front door and tell me about what I am missing).  To quote a very insightful animated person "I like me" Caboose.  So if you like you don't change, if you are a self loathing piece of shit maybe a little change is a good thing.  If you judge people, welcome to America get use to it.  But remember the person you are judging could, for the right price, come in the middle of the night and take your head like a trophy to hang on his/her mantel like one of those stupid company golf trophy... what a pieces of junk I hate that thing. *stares angrily at the fireplace*

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Survival of the Fittest Ninja

If you didn't know that these gasses
are bad for you I suggest you experiment
Don't think of it as smog think of it as
happy butterflies in the form of toxic death
As I walked out to my car this morning (yes I have a car I can't portal through the shadows... I wish).  I noticed my fatty neighbors had there garage door slightly cracked.  Than I realized that there was a SUV inside there garage pumping toxic fumes out.  I don't know what fucked up education they got but when I was in ninja primary school they fucking taught us warm air rises. Hardly any of the invisible killing gases were escaping out their barely cracked garage door.  If this is modern survival of the fittest than so be it.  Or maybe I should call it the survival of the not as idiotic as those people.  How do people make it through their daily lives being this stupid?  It baffles the shit out of me on a daily basis.  For me I tend to wonder how many other people are out there that shouldn't be alive.  I am pretty sure cavemen/women didn't have to put up with this shit. 
May I introduce our cast of cavemen
"What happened to Grog?"- Caveman 1
"Oh he walked in front of a rampaging herd of mammoth."- Caveman 2
"Man that is some good news that dude was a complete moron." - Caveman 3
The last few seconds of Grog's meaningless life

What a shit movie
This is how I imagine the world 20,000 years ago.  I bet those cavemen were literally relieved when someone got mauled to death when they tried to pet the saber tooth kitty.  There was no room back then for ignoramuses bringing down the tribe.  And you know what has changed since then?  Not a damn thing!  If you are bringing down the proverbial tribe.  Please do us all a favor and get your nuts fixed or tubes tied.  We don't need another generation of idiots running around.  We have that already and look at where it got us huge debt, idiots running our country and more idiots trying to get elected to run the country.  All because someone probably warned a caveman to get out of the way of a rampaging woolly mammoth.  Thanks for that dick!  Sure at the time someone might have said "Why didn't you help Grog?" if that person hadn't warned the idiot.  But, taking a little heat at that time would save us all alot of heart ache now.