I thought I would share some scary stuff. I don't know if other people (mostly males if I understand the biology) find urinals scary, but I do. Just think about it, some guy before you came in there grabbed his unclean junk pissed on his hands, then using his piss and junk nasty hand on the handle to flush. Then this same douche goes over uses his piss dripping, cheese dick hand to turn on the water and wash his mitts. Then touches the same faucet fixture and dries his hands off pressing the viral concoction deeper into his flesh, pulls the door handle smothering it with bacteria and walks away ( I know I mixed the use of bacteria and viruses, and although they are not the same thing I needed to do this for flowery language). How sanitary is that? Not very if you ask me. But maybe, I am to critical. There is a distinct possibility that during the history of mankind they didn't wash there hands as much as we do. Although I would interject that I think the overall level of bacteria and viruses have increased since the ancient days. My suggestion is guys keep, your totem pole and jelly beans clean i.e. wash daily. Also don't piss on your hands, use your elbow to press the handle to flush and when your done with the faucet grab a paper towel and use that to turn it off. I will end this blog with a few pictures that will most likely put fear of urinals into your heart. Be brave readers, be brave.
Some where there is a guy, burning in hell for this one.
Japan, land of innovation, and yet I fear they have gone to far.
My totem pole will go no where near these things!
Most likely place for a man to get raped... That is scary.
Has it really come to this?
HOLY SHIP!!1! Bears on horses we are all dead!